To work in Italy

To work in Italy as an employee from abroad, it is necessary to be authorized by the Italian authorities (through a nulla osta) and to obtain an entry visa for work purposes.
The clearance for hiring or carrying out work is the authorization given to the employer (Italian or regular foreigner) to hire a foreign citizen residing abroad.
Each year a maximum number (quotas) of nulla osta is established through a law known as Decreto Flussi.
This also applies to seasonal subordinate work.

The foreign citizen interested in carrying out an autonomous activity in Italy must obtain entry authorization (nulla osta to the issue of authorizations or registration in the registers for carrying out the autonomous activity) within the framework of the quotas established each year by Decreto Flussi.

Foreign citizens looking for work can contact:

public employment services;

employment agencies or former temporary workers and other private operators.


The public employment services (the former collocamento offices) are offices in every province and have the function of facilitating the meeting between those who offer work and those who seek it. In order to register, you can contact Centro per l’impiego (CIP) of the province of your residence.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 Luglio 2022